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Te Mahi Oneone Hua Parakore: A Māori Soil Sovereignty and Wellbeing Handbook. Edited by Jessica Hutchings & Jo Smith
Te Mahi Oneone Hua Parakore: A Māori Soil Sovereignty and Wellbeing Handbook. Edited by Jessica Hutchings & Jo Smith
Te Mahi Oneone Hua Parakore: A Māori Soil Sovereignty and Wellbeing Handbook. Edited by Jessica Hutchings & Jo Smith
Payment options available with 4 instalments of $10.00 using Afterpay at the checkout

Soil health and security are key components of our wellbeing. Even so, soil is faced with many environmental challenges under the current iteration of capitalism. A paradigm shift is needed to encourage care for this resource. In te ao Māori, soil is taonga. It is also whanaunga – it holds ancestral connections and is the root of tūrangawaewae and whakapapa. It is the source of shelter, kai and manaakitanga.

Te Mahi Oneone Hua Parakore: A Māori Soil Sovereignty and Wellbeing Handbook shines a light on Māori relationships with soil, as well as the connections between soil and food security, and frames these links within the wider discourse of tino rangatiratanga from a variety of Māori perspectives. Through a range of essays, profiles and recipes, it seeks to promote wellbeing and elevate the mana of the soil by drawing on the hua parakore Māori organics framework as a means for understanding these wide-ranging, diverse and interwoven relationships with soil.


Building a Rauemi Hua Parakore for Understanding Soil Health and Wellbeing
By Jessica Hutchings and Jo Smith

Oneone Ora, Tangata Ora: Soils and Māori Health and Wellbeing
By Garth Harmsworth

Māori Soil Sovereignty: Advocating for the Rights of Our Ancestral Soils
By Jessica Hutchings

Nāku Koe i Whāngai (It was I that brought you up)
By Nick Roskruge

A Vision for Soil and Food-Growing with Maanu Paul
By Kiri Reihana Spraggs

Ngāhuia Lena: Kaitiaki of Moroiti
By Teina Boasa-Dean and Ruth Nesi Bryce-Hare

Te Wharekura o Maniapoto: Kura ā-Iwi – Educating the Community
By Yvonne Taura

Ruia Ngā Purapura: Sowing the Seeds
By Antoine Coffin

Whare Uku: Living in a Home Made of Papatūānuku
By Helen Potter

Wellbeing Through Homeopathy
By Jo Smith

Pounamu Among the Rocks: Papatūānuku Kōkiri Marae
By Jo Smith

Tātai Tangata ki te Whenua
By Kiri Reihana Spraggs

Ko te Kai he Rongoā, ko te Rongoā he Kai: A Kōrero About Kai, Motherhood, Soil and Wellbeing
By Gretta Carney with Jo Smith

Recipe cards are included with each pukapuka.